Wednesday, 11 March 2009

But I’ll Be There….Always

time shifts this thought
and your whereabouts
left me here in confusion
about what left the conclusion
when time shifts your day
i’ll always be there to say
when you’re in grave need
and can’t find assistance indeed
though time set me illusion
put me far from revelation
still i can make you fly
if you can repress your lie
and let me rewrite this rhyme
so even if i can’t rewind the time
i can always be there
with something to share
so i can hold you high and close
the deepest dreams i suppose
so please believe me that’s true…
i’ll always be there for you…..


1 comment:

Rizki Lestari said...

tugas macem-macem nieL...


yang dOsennya pak YusuF... =F